Shipping account management.
API | Description |
POST api/Account |
Get a shipping account |
POST api/Account/CreateOneTimeToken |
Create one time token |
POST api/Account/Create |
Create new shipping account |
POST api/Account/GetBalance |
Get the current balance of the shipping account |
POST api/Account/AddFunds |
Add funds to a current shipping account |
Validate U.S. domestic addresses, APO, FPO, and some Canada address.
API | Description |
POST api/AddressValidation |
Verify validity of an Address |
Advanced Shipping Notification. This is a notification of expected inventory to the warehouse where the inventory is shipped.
API | Description |
GET api/asn |
Get all open ASNs |
GET api/asn/paged |
Get Paged ASN Response |
GET api/asn/{startDate}/{endDate} |
Gets ASNs by date range open or closed |
GET api/asn/{orderNumber} |
Get an ASN by ID |
POST api/asn |
Create a new ASN |
PUT api/asn |
Update an ASN that has been posted but has not been completed. |
DELETE api/asn/{orderNumber} |
Delete an ASN that has not been received |
Get Warehouse information
API | Description |
GET api/v2/warehouse |
Get all warehouses for a given client From ClientConfigurationService |
Get current inventory levels
API | Description |
GET api/inventory |
Get current inventory levels for all warehouses |
GET api/inventory/Warehouse/{WarehouseCode} |
Get current inventory levels for a specific warehouse code |
GET api/inventory/ItemCode/{ItemCode} |
Get current inventory levels for a specific item using itemCode. |
GET api/inventory/adjustments |
No documentation available |
Methods to Retrieve Invoice Data
API | Description |
GET api/Invoice/InvoiceTotals |
Returns total information for invoices requested |
GET api/Invoice/InvoiceList |
Returns a list of invoices |
GET api/Invoice/{invoiceRefNumber} |
Returns a summarized view of the specified invoice |
GET api/Invoice/InvoiceFile |
Returns pre-built file for Invoice and File Type Specified |
POST api/Invoice/InvoiceLineList |
Returns a list of invoice line details |
Methods for Item Management
API | Description |
GET api/item |
Gets a List of all Items |
GET api/item/Paged |
Gets a Paged List of all Items |
GET api/item/{itemCode} |
Get items by part number |
POST api/item |
Adds a new item |
PUT api/item |
Modify an item |
API | Description |
GET api/v2/kits |
Get all kits |
GET api/v2/kits/{kitSku} |
Get Kit by SKU |
API collection for Logistics
API | Description |
POST api/logistics/CreateFreightShipment |
Create a freight shipment |
POST api/logistics/GetFreightCarrierRates |
Get freight carrier rates |
GET api/logistics/GetAvailableFreightAccessorials |
Get all available freight accessorials |
GET api/logistics/GetAllFreightShipments |
Get all freight shipments |
GET api/logistics/GetFreightShipment/{loadID} |
Get a freight shipment |
GET api/logistics/GetFreightLoadTracking/{loadID} |
Get a freight-load tracking |
GET api/logistics/GetAllOpenFreightInvoices |
Get all open freight invoices |
GET api/logistics/CancelFreightShipment/{loadID} |
Cancel a freight shipment |
API | Description |
POST api/Manifest |
No documentation available |
API | Description |
POST api/masterWaybill |
Create Master waybill |
GET api/masterWaybill |
No documentation available |
Chose to send orders or shipments. Orders have the capability to have extra fields to send an invoice.
API | Description |
GET api/order |
Get all the open orders |
GET api/order/{orderNumber} |
Get a specific order by the order number |
GET api/Order/Paged |
Get Paged Orders Response |
GET api/Order/OpenTracking |
No documentation available |
GET api/Order/OpenTrackingLite |
No documentation available |
POST api/order |
Create a new order in the Visible System |
POST api/order/{orderNumber}/CloseTracking |
Close the tracking for an order |
PUT api/Order |
Modify an order |
DELETE api/order/{orderNumber} |
Cancel an order if the current status allows it |
POST api/order/legacyBatch |
Compatability with legacy APIs |
GET api/order/legacy/tracking |
Compatability with legacy APIs |
API | Description |
POST api/masterWaybill/overpack |
Create Over Pack |
GET api/masterWaybill/overpack |
No documentation available |
Payment Account
API | Description |
POST api/UpdatePayment |
Update Payment Method |
API | Description |
POST api/Rates |
Create updated rate |
Retrieve the list of items and trucks received at Maersk warehouses
API | Description |
GET api/receiving |
Get all trucks that have been received during a date range |
GET api/Receiving/Id |
Get a specific receiving event with all the details |
GET api/Receiving/Pallets |
API collection general data statistics for reports
API | Description |
GET api/reports/parcel/TrackingStatus |
No documentation available |
GET api/reports/parcel/Shipments |
Gets Total number of shipments shipped between the given StartDate and EndDate, and gives the detailed information of the shipments according to the PageSize and CurrentPage. Can be filtered on Orderstatus. Parameters: OrderStatus = one of the following: "Undelivered", "Returned" Default = none PageSize = number, Default = 50 CurrentPage = number, Default = 1 StartDate = DateTime, Default = Today EndDate = DateTime, Default = Today |
POST api/reports/parcel/ShipmentsByOrderIdsExport |
Gets a excel list of shipments by order ids Parameters: none Body: List of order ids, startDate, endDate |
GET api/reports/parcel/ShipmentsByCountry |
Return the number of parcels, their average transit time, and the percent delivered, grouped by the destination country between the given StartDate and EndDate Parameters: PageSize = number Default = 50 CurrentPage = number Default = 1 StartDate = DateTime Default Today EndDate = DateTime Default Today |
GET api/reports/parcel/ShipmentsByDate |
Returns parcels shipped between StartDate and EndDate grouped by Day, Week, or Month. Can pass in OrderStatus to only get parcels in that status Parameters: OrderStatus = one of the following: "Undelivered", "Delivered", "Returned" Default = none PageSize = number Default = 50 CurrentPage = number Default = 1 StartDate = DateTime Default Today EndDate = DateTime Default Today |
GET api/reports/parcel/GetHeatMapData |
Retrieve back OrderID, Zip and Geo location and its details for given dates. Default week span is 5 weeks, including current week and retroactively. |
GET api/reports/parcel/TrackingNumberList |
No documentation available |
GET api/reports/parcel/ShipmentsByOriginAndDate |
No documentation available |
GET api/reports/parcel/ExceptionsByOrigin |
/// Exceptions By Origin endpoint giving status based on Origin and InductionZipCode Exceptions for each origin and corresponding Induction is returned only for TEMU |
GET api/reports/parcel/ShipmentsByMerchantAndDate |
Gets Total number of shipments shipped between the given StartDate and EndDate grouped by MerchnatRef, and gives the detailed information of the shipments according to the PageSize and CurrentPage Parameters: IsReturn = bool, Default = false PageSize = number, Default = 50 CurrentPage = number, Default = 1 StartDate = DateTime, Default = Today EndDate = DateTime, Default = Today ProductReference = string, Default = null |
GET api/reports/parcel/ProductReference |
/// Get Product_Reference for client |
GET api/reports/parcel/ExceptionsByMerchant |
No documentation available |
GET api/reports/fulfillment/Orders |
Retrieve back a number of orders and its detail for given dates based on OrderStatus. OrderStatus can be empty or one of the following: "Shipped", "Open", "BackOrder", "Delivered", "ExpectedToShip" If OrderStatus is empty, Retrieve back all orders Parameters: OrderStatus = one of the following: "Shipped", "Open", "BackOrder", "Delivered", "ExpectedToShip" Default = none PageSize = number, Default = 50 CurrentPage = number, Default = 1 StartDate = DateTime, Default = Today EndDate = DateTime, Default = Today |
GET api/reports/fulfillment/PalletsDailyCount |
Retrieve a count of all pallets received per day Parameters: PageSize = number, Default = 50 CurrentPage = number, Default = 1 StartDate = DateTime, Default = Today EndDate = DateTime, Default = Today |
GET api/reports/fulfillment/TotalItemsShipped |
Retrieve back number of back orders and its details for given dates. Parameters: PageSize = number, Default = 50 CurrentPage = number, Default = 1 StartDate = DateTime, Default = Today EndDate = DateTime, Default = Today |
GET api/reports/fulfillment/ItemInventoryAvailable |
Retrieve back Item Inventory count up to today. Parameters: PageSize = number, Default = 50 CurrentPage = number, Default = 1 StartDate = DateTime, Default = Today EndDate = DateTime, Default = Today |
GET api/reports/workorder/WorkOrderCostingReport |
Retrieves a list of work order costing reports Default date is one week from the current date if no Start date is provided. |
Manage shipments sent to Maersk
API | Description |
GET api/ReportSubscription |
No documentation available |
GET api/ReportSubscription/{subscriptionid} |
No documentation available |
POST api/ReportSubscription |
No documentation available |
PUT api/ReportSubscription/{subscriptionid} |
No documentation available |
DELETE api/ReportSubscription/{subscriptionid} |
No documentation available |
API collection general data statistics for reports
API | Description |
GET api/reports/v2/parcel/ShipmentsByCountry |
Return the number of parcels, their average transit time, and the percent delivered, grouped by the destination country between the given StartDate and EndDate Parameters: PageSize = number Default = 50 CurrentPage = number Default = 1 StartDate = DateTime Default Today EndDate = DateTime Default Today |
Manage shipments sent to Maersk
API | Description |
GET api/returns |
Get a list of returns |
GET api/returns/{clientName} |
Get returns by client Paginated : pass in CurrentPage and PageSize, Default PageSize = 50. |
Security Controller to handle all user permissions
API | Description |
POST api/Security/Token |
Token action, passes along username/password (ignores grant type) to Tabularium's /Token page, returns values (i.e. token) back as Tab would (i.e. a pass-through method). Note: two routes supplied, /Token and /api/Security/Token. |
POST Token |
Token action, passes along username/password (ignores grant type) to Tabularium's /Token page, returns values (i.e. token) back as Tab would (i.e. a pass-through method). Note: two routes supplied, /Token and /api/Security/Token. |
CRUD operations for ShipCarrierShipments
API | Description |
POST api/shipcarriershipment |
Save ShipCarrierShipment |
Manage shipments sent to Maersk
API | Description |
POST api/shipments |
No documentation available |
GET api/shipments |
No documentation available |
GET api/shipments/{orderNumber} |
No documentation available |
PUT api/shipments/UpdateClaim |
updated isClaimed field for expired Claims |
API collection for managing shipping labels
API | Description |
GET api/ShippingLabel/LabelDetails |
Get details for a given shipping label by either providing a tracking number or unique request id |
GET api/ShippingLabel/{trackingNumber} |
Get a shipping label that has already been created |
POST api/ShippingLabel |
Create a shipping label |
POST api/ShippingLabel/xml |
Create a shipping label |
POST api/ShippingLabel/Void |
Void a shipping label |
GET api/ShippingLabel/Errors |
Reports number of Shipping Label errors for a given client |
Methods to Track orders
API | Description |
POST api/shipping-label |
Create a shipping label |
POST api/shipping-label/void |
Void a shipping label |
Methods to Track orders
API | Description |
GET api/Track/{orderNumber} |
Get Tracking info for an order number |
POST api/TrackAll |
Get Tracking info for list of order numbers |
GET api/TrackRange/{startDate}/{endDate} |
Get Tracking info by date range |
GET api/TrackShipment/{trackingNumber} |
No documentation available |
POST api/Track/CreateBrokerEvent |
Create a broker tracking event |
Methods to Track orders
API | Description |
GET api/track-shipment/{trackingNumber} |
No documentation available |
API | Description |
POST api/user/login |
User Login |
Subscribe to webhooks to be notified when things happen in the system
API | Description |
GET api/webhooks |
Get the list of subscribed webhooks |
GET api/webhooks/subscriptiontypes |
Get the list of possible subscription types |
GET api/webhooks/{webhookName} |
Get a webhook subscription by name |
GET api/webhooks/simulate/shipconfirm/{orderNumber} |
Simulate the ship confirm web hook. It will show what will be sent so it can be tested. |
GET api/webhooks/simulate/InventoryReceipt |
Simulates an inventory receipt Notification |
GET api/webhooks/simulate/OrderStatus |
Simulates and Order Status Change Notification |
POST api/webhooks |
Subscribe to a new web hook |
PUT api/webhooks |
Modify a webhook subscription |
DELETE api/webhooks/{WebhookName} |
Remove a webhook subscription |
Send or Get Work Orders
API | Description |
GET api/workorder |
Get all the open workorders |
GET api/workorder/{poNumber} |
No documentation available |
POST api/workorder |
No documentation available |
PUT api/workorder/{workOrderId} |
No documentation available |
DELETE api/workorder/{workOrderId} |
No documentation available |
API | Description |
GET api/v2/workorders |
Get all the workorders |
POST api/v2/workorders |
Creates an workorder |
PUT api/v2/workorders/{workOrderNumber} |
Edits an workorder |
GET api/v2/workorders/items/stock/{itemSku} |
Get the item stock |